Prayer Bio - Julia M. King

Guided Meditations

For Individuals and Couples

Join me on a guided journey to receive healing frequencies from the Heavenly Realms

During this 45 to 60 minute live (online for now) healing experience, your chakras and aura will receive a clearing to make space for more light. You will receive a recording of the session for your continued enjoyment.

We begin by co-creating a safe Temple of Healing and invite Archangel Michael to overlight the session. We invoke the Violet Flame of Saint Germain to transmute negativity and remove blocks.

We may utilize Higher frequencies such as the Golden Flame of Christ Light and the Diamond Ray. Archangel Raphael may assists with His Emerald Green Healing Ray. There are a myriad of possibilities. It will be up to Spirit to decide what’s needed for you at the time.

You may ask for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. You will set your intentions and clarify your healing goals. Decide what you want to release! Your guides and angels know what you need!

For Couples

Couples may request a Guided Healing Meditation to improve communication, closeness and contact. You will be asked to face each other while holding hands during the guided meditation. In addition to the meditation, a series of questions will be asked of each of you:

“What is your intention for this relationship?”

“What do you wish your partner would do more of ?”

“What do you love and appreciate about your relationship?”

“What action steps will help to keep the relating helpful and healthy?”

Here is a testimonial from a recent Guided Healing Meditation participant. I originally offered these as an 8 week series.

I participated in an 8 week Guided Healing Meditation Series. Julia is an amazing healer and an even more amazing human. She has an attitude of genuine integrity and authenticity. Each one of these Meditations were specifically tailored to my personal needs without judgement. During the meditations she introduced some of the many tools Spirit has taught her to use. She introduced me to Archangel Michael, St. Germain and the Violet Flame and the Golden Halo, to name a few. I think my favourite was the Diamond Ray. Some of the topics Julia helped me with were self love, releasing fear, confidence and speaking my truth. I am grateful for the recordings that I use when I am needing a boost in one of these areas. As the sessions progressed my personal awareness and connection to Spirit became incredibly stronger and clearer. Julia opened my mind and heart to an attitude of service and compassion toward all living beings and Mother Earth. I highly recommend these sessions. ~ C.B.


Individuals $130 + gst

Couples $150 + gst